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Emeriti Members 


​Beta Beta Beta Emeritus Membership was established in 2007 as an honor bestowed upon individual by the TriBeta National Executive Committee. It recognizes distinguished service previously provided by TriBeta national officers who are not currently involved in the TriBeta Biological Honor Society. These honored individuals have by their contributions developed a legacy of unselfish service and dedication for the advancement of the Biological Sciences for undergraduate students. The Emeritus recognition expresses the heartfelt gratitude from the National Executive Committee. The Emeritus Recognition will be granted by a vote of National Executive Committee.



Herminio Lugo Lugo            
Fred Klaus
Keith Longpre
Dawn Rohrs
Harold Rohrs
Ron Humphrey



Jack Seilheimer



Sister Rose Bast
Crosby Jones
Don Roush
Fred Brenner



Steve Ropski



National Honorary Members 


​Beta Beta Beta elects as honorary members persons to whom it wishes to give distinctive recognition, either because they are eminent as biologists and/or because they have given unusual services to TriBeta. Dates are those of election to honorary membership.



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