About TriBeta
Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is an honor society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research.
Since its founding in 1922, more than 300,000 persons have been accepted into lifetime membership, and more than 650 chapters have been established throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
Coat of Arms
Beta Beta Beta Coat of Arms symbols and their meanings:
It shows the acorn, the bird, and the fish, representing life on the ground, in the air, and in the water.
The knight's helmet signifies that the scientist is always ready to apply his/her abilities for the benefit of mankind.
The skull reminds us that science, although greater than the life of any individual, depends upon the contributions of individual scholars.
The two light quarters of the shield represent truth known to us; the dark quarters represent truth still unknown.
The diagonal golden band symbolizes the light and truths of science.
As on the key, the serpent stands for wisdom.
The colors of the Society are red and green: Blood red for zoology and leaf green for botany.
The flower is the red rose, symbol of beauty and strength.
The motto is BLEPEIN BASIN BIOU meaning "to see the foundation of life."
Key Insignia
Beta Beta Beta Key Insignia symbols and their meanings:
On the key, which is a common symbol of academic excellence, there are three Greek letters, Beta Beta Beta and a coiled serpent.
The first Beta stands for the Greek word BALANOS which means acorn; it represents life in and on the ground.
The second Beta stands for the Greek word BOUDETASE which means little bird; it represents life in the air.
The third Beta stands for the Greek word BOAX, which means fish; it represents life in the water.
All three words may be summed up in the one word BIOS, meaning life.
The coiled serpent in the center of the key is an ancient symbol of wisdom.
Each year TriBeta hosts 12 district and regional conventions where members have the opportunity to present their research and network with other like-minded students from other institutions.
National conventions are held biennially in late May, early June. The 2024 National Convention will be held at Columbus State University. For more information about TriBeta conventions, click the button below.
Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society is a society for students, particularly for undergraduates. It seeks to encourage scholarly attainment in this field of learning by reserving its regular membership for those who achieve superior academic records and who indicate special aptitude for and major interest in the life sciences. It desires to cultivate intellectual interest in the natural sciences and to promote a better appreciation of the value of biological study and thus welcomes into associate membership all those students who are interested in biology. Beta Beta Beta also endeavors to extend the boundaries of man’s knowledge of nature by encouraging new discoveries through scientific investigation and to this end encourages undergraduate students to begin research work and report their findings in the journal of the society, BIOS. TriBeta emphasizes, therefore, a three-fold program: stimulation of scholarship, dissemination of scientific knowledge, and promotion of biological research.
From the original constitution, Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) formally defined itself as “an honor and professional society for students of the biological sciences.” its time of birth (1922) accounts for both its Greek letter name and its original emphasis on a role as an “honorary”. However, it has never been a secret society and from its beginning many of its activities have been those of a professional society. Since it is a society of and for students, particularly for undergraduate majors in a biological science, it is not inaccurate to describe it as a professional society for apprentice biologists. The constitutional restrictions on chapters and the varied chapter activities give the structural and functional basis for their claim to professional stature.
The functions of TriBeta as a national organization range from publication of the national journal, BIOS, to recognition of outstanding individual and chapter accomplishments. For the individual TriBetan, the local TriBeta chapter is the heart of Beta Beta Beta. A TriBeta chapter offers to its members activities and experiences that enrich and extend but do not duplicate the primary requirements for the biology major. In a university with a number of multiple biological science departments and a large student body, a chapter can form a coordinating center for undergraduate biological activities; in a small school the chapter can greatly enrich and add to the variety of experiences for all the students.
Deliberately, the national constitution puts few restrictions on membership in TriBeta. Regular membership is based on academic achievement in biology and is, in that sense, honorary, but every major in a biological science and many interested students who are not actually majors can qualify for associate membership. Chapters may adapt the requirements to meet the specific needs of their members and department or departments, provided only that they meet national standards.
TriBeta was founded in 1922 at Oklahoma City University--the Alpha Chapter--by Dr. Frank G. Brooks and a group of his students. The idea of an honor and professional society for biology students spread rapidly and by 1925, the society was a national organization. Biennial national conventions of student and faculty members began in that year and in 1930 the society journal, BIOS, began publication of student research, articles of interest to biologists and society news. As the society grew, it was divided into regional and district groups, each of which holds a convention annually. At the heart of every district and national meeting are student research papers presented in the style of graduate meetings. Awards are given for outstanding individual and chapter accomplishment. A complete account of the history to 1972 is to be found in BIOS, 51,1 (March 1980) and in BIOS 76(1) (March 2005).
– Frank G. Brooks proposed to a group of biology majors at Oklahoma City University that they organize a biology fraternity. Five students joined him to join the first or Alpha Chapter. Another faculty member, Mrs. C. Lee Furrow, joined a few days later. (Mrs. Furrow, teaching at Knox College, was instrumental in starting Omega Chapter)
– First issue of BIOS published (and continued quarterly without interruption in March, May, October, and December to present time). Publication of the first prize essay from the 1928 undergraduate essay competition (BIOS 1(1): 52-63), “Animal Adaptations to Environmental Influence” by Rena Caskey of Peru College. L. G. Balfour Company authorized as official jeweler and improved design for keys announced.
– Beta Beta Beta affiliates with the American Institute of Biological Science.
Constitution of Beta Beta Beta
The Constitution of Beta Beta Beta serves to provide structure and guidance for chapter governance, membership requirements, chapter and society activities, and the details of various awards, and conventions. Click the button to download the Constitution. Printed booklets are available upon request from the National Office.