TriBeta Chapters & Clubs
Individual membership in TriBeta is through one of the 650+ chapters and clubs across the United States and Puerto Rico offering their members activities and experiences that enrich and extend, but do not duplicate the primary requirements for the biology major.
The national constitution provides a framework for chapter activities, but each chapter is free to function in accordance with its own needs and school philosophy. Chapter programs typically include guest speakers, reports of research by members and department faculty, field trips, maintenance of collections, community service and social gatherings. Most chapters have a lounge or office on campus. A faculty advisor provides continuity and experience to the student members.
The framework for chapter governance and membership induction ceremony procedures, download the Rituals of Installation and Constitution Booklets below. Many forms and resources are provided on our Forms and Files page to assist chapter advisors and chapter officers.
Establishing a Chapter or Club
The following are the guidelines and procedures an institution must follow if interested in establishing a TriBeta Chapter or Club. For any questions, please contact our National Office through the Contact Us tab or via email to
An Institution must be accredited by its regional accrediting association and be a baccalaureate degree-granting institution if it is applying for a chapter. An institution applying for a TriBeta Club must be an associate degree-granting institution and must have a written agreement from an active chapter at a four-year college or university consenting to sponsor and be supportive of the affiliated club.
Submit the completed application to the Executive Director via email to The application fee of $300 can be paid via PayPal or by mailing a check or money order to the National Office. The applications for a chapter and club can be downloaded below.
The district director or someone appointed by them will visit the school. This visit will be both for the purpose of acquainting the school with Beta Beta Beta’s program and aims and to gain further knowledge about the school. TriBeta needs to know if a chapter or club will survive at the school thus the district director will be interested in the size of the department, number of faculty, number of majors, laboratory space and equipment, library holdings, plans for the future and administration support of the new chapter or club. Travel expenses for the TriBeta representative will be paid by Beta Beta Beta.
After the TriBeta representative has visited the school, they will prepare a written report for the Executive Committee. If the application is approved by the Executive Committee, a vote of the chapters in that district will be taken.
Once the application is approved by the chapters, the new chapter or club may begin arranging for its installation with the Executive Director and the district director or installing officer. Once again the travel expenses of the TriBeta representative will be paid by TriBeta, but local expenses are paid by the new chapter or club.​
List of Chapters
Beta Beta Beta chapters and clubs are located at colleges and universities in the United States and Puerto Rico. Chapter information is provided by state, in alphabetical order by school name, and on regional maps created using Google Maps. Please note, chapter updates, such as chapter advisor changes and new chapters, are updated at least three times per year on the website, typically September, January, and May.

Chapter Activities
Every Chapter should undertake the following programs:
Initiate new members at least once a year, registering them with the National Office to make their membership official.
Report to the National Office at least once a year. The contents of the report is up to your chapter. Be sure the names of officers and new advisor are reported.
Plan a campus or community donor drive with our national partner, NMDP or host a class lecture or chapter meeting series on Patient and Donor matching and the science behind it.
Have a variety of chapter activities such as chapter members give talks, listen to lectures, observe demonstrations and lectures by outside speakers, and undertake various projects. Students are free to plan the kinds of activities that they feel will be most valuable to the students, the department, school, or to the community. For great ideas of chapter events, activities, and service projects, visit the national office Instagram account and look at posts by the chapters we follow.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​National & Chapter Governance
Chapters and clubs of Beta Beta Beta are located on the campuses of colleges and universities throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. No campus has more than one chapter and a chapter functions on only a single campus. In 1996, the voting membership approved the establishment of TriBeta Clubs. The clubs will be located on campuses of accredited 2 year institutions and must be affiliated with a nearby chapter.
Ultimate governance of Beta Beta Beta is in the hands of the chapters and student members and is accomplished either through the biennial national conventions or, if necessary, by a poll of chapters. The immediate operation of the national organization is the responsibility of the National Executive Committee which is composed of the elected national officers: President and six Regional Vice Presidents, and Past Presidents. The Executive Director, appointed by the National Executive Committee, serves ex officio. Each Vice President may be aided by one or more District Directors. The National Executive Committee typically meets at least three times per year through virtual meetings, and in-person at the biennial national convention.
Chapters are encouraged to create chapter by-laws that outline chapter specific governance regarding member attendance and service requirements, exceptions given for specific majors for membership, chapter activities, chapter officer positions and responsibilities, and other details as needed.
Inactive Chapters
If a chapter does not register new members for three consecutive years, a warning letter will be sent to the chapter advisor, department chairperson, and dean. A District Director may visit the chapter to discuss problems and try to help reactivate the chapter.
If a chapter does not activate within five years, the charter may be recalled. If a charter is recalled, the university must re-apply and pay the application fee to re-establish a charter.
If a chapter has been inactive for a number of years and the charter has NOT been recalled, the chapter advisor, student officers, or interested students should contact the National Office for instructions concerning reactivation of the chapter.
BIOS Chapter News & Chapter Officers
Please email chapter news to the BIOS editor. You will receive back on email a copy of the edited text for your corrections. There is no deadline. The chapter news will be included in an upcoming issue of BIOS. If you have pictures, you should ask the BIOS editor how and where to send them. The BIOS editor is Dr. Nancy Todd. For any BIOS related questions, please feel free to contact her via email
Submit the form below for your Chapter Officers to be published in BIOS. Enter N/A for any positions that are vacant.