Chapter History E-Book Award
Congratulations to the 2022 Chapter History E-Book Award Recipients
1st: Zeta Lambda Chapter, University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla
2nd: Iota Omicron Chapter, Houston Baptist University
3rd: Omicron Kappa Chapter, Dallas Baptist University
The Chapter History E-Book Award is given biennially at the National Conventions and annually at various regional or district conventions.
Like its print Chapter History Award predecessor, the Chapter History E-Book Award serves the following purposes:
• To encourage all chapters to keep an accurate record of programs and activities;
• to encourage all chapters to receive publicity for their work;
• to encourage all chapters to develop a continuous historical record.
We can also present a new encouragement guide:
• to ease the transportation and interchange of information between the chapters in meetings and conventions,
• to encourage all chapters to preserve the environment by choosing electronic and digital formats,
• to expand the technological knowledge of each chapter by using media platforms for creation.
Any TriBeta Chapter historian may submit a chapter history e-book to either a district convention or a biennial national convention. Materials and programs may be purchased, but the completed book must be the work of chapter members and the chapter may use their own designing capacity and skills. For the book, the focus is to record of activities covers the most recent academic year from Fall - Summer. Highlights of chapter history and special events may go back to the chapter beginning.​
The introduction to the chapter history must contain the following:
• Greek name, college or university affiliation, region and location of the chapter
• A table of contents including the pages number
• A list of all members, divided by membership category, for the current year
• A list of charter members.
The activities reported must be organized by categories:
• Conferences (sponsor and co-sponsor)
• Seminars and Symposium
• Research student participation and their presentation at different kind of meeting
• Workshops (sponsor and co-sponsor)
• Field trips (sponsor and co-sponsor)
• Community services (to students, chapters, university, region, and national Tribeta)
• Social activities
The presentation of any activity must include the same elements; each activity must be presented in two pages including and showing:
• Title (top of page)
• Purpose and achievement of the activities (short explanation)
• Description of the activity
• Type of activities( Conferences, Seminar, Symposium, Field trip, Communitarian Services, Social Activities)
• Attendance (number of Tribeta member and other)
• Media- promotion of the activities
• Photos (3 to 5), with note about what is in the photo
• Observable artistic criteria: quality
• Same organization through the report
• Quality of celebrated activities
Photographs, programs, newspaper scanning of clippings, written material and sketches may also be included. Judging shall be a committee selected by the Executive Committee for National Convention or a selected group of students and advisors of the region choices by the vice-president.
Judging shall be based on the following points:
1. Content (20 Points)
a. Completeness of program presented
b. Significance of program presented
c. Relevance of contents to Beta Beta Beta
2. Effectiveness (15 Points)
a. Clarity of organization
b. Identification of the material included
c. Extent of coverage by "media"
d. Ease of comprehension
e. Adequate Display Formats
3. Artistic merit (15 Points)
a. Overall appearance and neatness
b. Time Elapsing and Navigation
c. Placement of graphics on Page
d. Ease of access to book