Membership Records
All membership records for TriBeta are being maintained on the online platform, My Honor Society. Each member has a profile established on the My Honor Society site where they can update their membership profile, contact information, and order TriBeta graduation regalia.
Please go to My Honor Society and click the Forgot Password link. Enter your email address (school issued or alternate email address) for the reset email to be sent to you. If it cannot locate your membership record, please contact the National Office through the form below so that we can add your email address to your membership profile. Then you will be able to login accordingly.
My Honor Society contains the membership records from 1992 - Present for each chapter. We will work to add the 1922 - 1992 records as time allows. Due to concerns over member privacy, complete membership lists for each chapter will no longer be publicly available.
Need to Update Your Member Profile?
If your email could not be found on the My Honor Society membership platform, please complete the form below so that we can locate your membership record with your email address. Once added, an email will be sent to you with login information so that you can update your password and update and complete your membership profile. l
We will research the membership records and get back with you if we cannot locate your membership information.
Members from 1922-1991
Listed alphabetically by school name.